About us
We have been on the Polish market for 40 years. Our company is one of the largest ice cream wafers manufacturers in Poland. Since the beginning we make every effort to ensure that our products contain only natural ingredients and meet the highest quality standards. The entire production has a quality safety management systems – HACCP, SQMS.
Our mission
– We create a stable family business, which is based on solid foundations of professionalism and experience.
– We are a reliable business partner, favored by customers in Poland and abroad. Every year, we achieve better results. In business we want to build a safety atmosphere and mutual trust based on individual attitude to the customer and identifying their needs. We are customer oriented. Flexibility and quick response to market needs are our priorities.
– We make every effort to ensure that our products meet the highest standards of quality and contain only natural, not genetically modified ingredients (GMO).
– We are committed to sustainable development, to continuously invest in improving the quality of our products.
Our offer
As one of the leading producers of wafers, we are focused on offering our customers a full range of wafers, from the standard embossed wafers, high-sugar wafers or wafer additives to the unique ones, designed individually e.g. with the embossed company logo, unique cocoa cones or cones in sleeves etc. However that’s not everything.We provide wafers for industrial purpose and wafers for retail sale (for eating places, shopping etc.). We also offer small equipment (including ice cream shop equipment) and components, as well as intermediates needed for ice cream production.
Our products are sold not only to the local market, they are also exported, among others to the USA (Georgia), North Africa, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania and Croatia.
We strive to provide our customers the highest quality products, both in terms of aesthetics and taste. Therefore, we have a strategy of quality, which includes all stages of preparation and implementation of production. The highest quality of our work affects not only the satisfaction of our customers, but also on economic results and the competitiveness of the brand on the market.
We offer customized solutions for all kinds of customers. Terms of delivery are set individually with each client. The team of our professional representatives and office staff is always at your disposal and constantly provides professional help.